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Episode 1

The first episode of this series would introduce our audience to thetwo preforming arts schools. Beginning the episode with key narration and a series of establishing shots from both locations (starting with general external shots that establish the two countries, before moving in closer, establishing the exterior of both schools, before moving on to interior establishing shots of the schools and their students). We would be told a little about the background of each of these schools, and then the audience would be informed via narration that we’d be comparing/looking in to the lives of both of them in the series. We would begin the episode by learning about the UK school (Prima), paired with a series of wide shots of classes taking place, and how it was founded by teacher Julie. Cutting then to an actuality sequence of Julie teaching her class before cutting to a medium clos up of Julie in the interview room. We would then hear a short clip of the interview with Julie talking about how she came to set up Prima. We would then cut away to an exterior establishing shot of Jute in Australia (it is worth noting that exterior establishing shots will not be shot using the fixed camera set up, but interior ones will). Followed by narration that would introduce us to Suellen the founder of Jute. Following a short actuality sequence of Suellen walking around the main hall of her academy, we would cut to a medium closeup of her(similarly framed to Julies, and using the same tripod setup) in the interview location(the gardens outside Jute), hearing her story. Theepisodewould then fully move in to the fixed camera rig, as we cut between Julie and Suellen addressing their classes (using mostly long shots to capture the students and teachers in the same frame) as they talk about their upcoming shows. We then cut to a close up from a camera in front/above both teachers as they explain that the two schools will be meeting and performing to one another this year. This would be followed by one long shot, then several cuts between close ups of our contributors to gauge reactions. We would then return to the interview set up for expeditionary dialogue from both teachers. 

The narration would then introduce us to our first UK contributor, Rosa. Starting with a long shot actuality sequence of Rosa looking through some scripts, we would then move in to mid shots as the narration explains her role at Prima. We would follow Rosa transitioning between cameras as she moves aboutherspace practicing a script she selected using mostly long and mid shots. We would have a short interview sequence with Rosa at the interview locations to hear her thoughts on the earlier announcement. After this we would have an establishing shot of Jute before being introduced via longshot and narration to Debbie in Australia. We would here use close up shots to observe Debbie as she studies for her exam, before having a similarly framed interview with her. Cutting then back to Rosa in the UK with a long shot we see her sitting in a chair reading lines before Lexie comes in to ask for her help. What follows is a series of longshots (two shots) of Rosa reluctantly helping Lexie. We also see Suellen atJutestudying for her exam and through a series of close ups we see distress arise on her face as she becomes confused and distraught at the difficulty of getting the questions right. Cutting to a longshot as she runs out of the room stressed. Cut to commercial break, sponsor message is displayed.

After the add break, we get a quick repeat of the scenes that just happened before cutting back to the UK, and to Rosa’s story. We get several wide shots of Rosa and Lexie Rehearsing, beforecutting to a shot of the door, at this moment Julie walks in we change angles to get a two shot of Julie speaking to Rosa, asking for her to help with some paperwork. The following sequence uses a lot of high angel shots, and close ups from above of Rosa going through the paperwork Julie handed to her. We then get a close up of Rosa’s phone which sounds to let her know its time for her class with Katie. Followed by a close up of Rosa’s frowning face as she realizes she hasn’t had time to get any of her own work done, and walks out the room.

Wethencuttoan establishing shot of the front of Jute school, and fade to the small hall where we see Debbie sitting upset. Her teacher Suellen comes in to the room to comfort her and we get a series of cuts between close ups as the two talk and Suellen try's to comfort her. Eventually we cut back to a long shot from the main hall as the two walk back in together. Debbie gets up on stage and we watch her perform through a series of mid shots from the cameras mounted on the stage and the lower lighting rig. We then cut back to studio 1 in the UK and watch as Rosa has to explain to Katie that she doesn’t have a performance ready, we get a close up of each contributors face gauging their different emotions before returning to a longshot as Rosa sits down and Katie goes on to teach the class. The episode draws to a close with a montage sequence of various classes taking place at both schools, with the narration explaining what has happened and hinting at what is to come, theshowfadesoutviaamusic bed.

Episode 2

Episode 2 starts with an establishing shot of the exterior of both schools, guided in by a music bed, as the narrator conducts an intro, detailing what happened previously and what to expect from this episode.  We watch a series of wide shots from classes taking place at both Jute and Prima and pick up on a few lines of students dialogue talking about their feelings on the upcoming show. The next shot we see is a wide shot of Jade, followed by a close up as thenarratorintroduces us to her. We watch Jade rehearse her audition scene from the wall mounted cameras starting with long shots before cutting to mid shots as the energy if the scene picks up. Once her performance has finished we cut to the “diary room” location outside and listen to her story as she is framed by a locked tripod camera. What follows is Jade walking in to her drama class and listening to Julie teach. The cameras switch focus to Julie and we get a close up of Julie addressing the class before transitioning to the “Diary Room” location where we have Julie (similarly framed to what Jade was) talking about Jade and her teaching methods. We then cut to an establishing shot of the main hall at Jute where Suellen is teaching her class and the narrator transitions the focus to her. We then have Suellen in the opposing diary room location as she talks about her teaching methods and fellow teacher Gill. We then have SOT as we watch Gill teach her class through a mixture of mid shots and close ups of her and her students, as her SOT explains her background in social work, how it lead her to teaching performing arts and the impact it has had. We then fade out with a music bed as the commercial break starts and the sponsors message is displayed (but not before the narrator hints at what is still to come).


After the add break we are briefly re-introduced to Gill through a midshotand have a short sequence of her getting a class involved in an acting exercise (told with the use of the wall mounted cameras at the opposite ends of the room and a series of wide shots). The narrator then brings us back over to the UK with an establishing shot of Prima from the outside. The narrator introduces us to UK teacher Katie and we have an actuality sequence composed mostly of mid shots and close ups as Katie interacts with her class (and Jade). Katie begins to help Jade with her performance and offers her pointers (seen through close ups from ceiling cameras above both contributors). Jade demmandsto re-do her performance and Katie try's to tell her that she needs to see the other students, one student shouts at her from across the room telling her to sit down (seen by a mid shot cut away) and Jade shouts back starting a heated argument. We then see Katie defuse the situation with quick cuts between wide shots and close ups (using thegoprosmountedtothewallneartheseatingareatogetabetterview).Oncethe situationisdefused we cut to Katie in the “diary room” location as she talks about the situation and explains that its not thefirsttimeJadehas started an argument. We cut over to Gill in Australia who is also in the diary room location with medium close up framing, who relives her stories of defusing arguments. What follows is an actuality sequence of both teachers leading a lesson, and we watch as Jade calms down finishing with a series of close up’s with Jade as she practices her song for her singing lesson. The episode fades out with a music bed and narration (and actuality sequences from both teachers).

Episode 3

Episode 3 Starts with a more brief narration than we’ve had in the past two episodes. Jumping almost straight in to our contributors. We het a series of wide shots of clips from the last two episodes and then cut to current events, as we watch our contributors rehearse in their respective classes (seen through close ups).  We are then introduced to Dean atJutewhowillbeattending his first singinglesson at Jute. We are introduced to him with a close up and then jump straight to the diary room location where Dean explains his story through a medium close up. We learn from this interview and additional interviews with Suellen that up until now Dean has been an acting student, he has wanted to try singing but was afraid others at his regular school wouldtease him. But in this episode Suellen has managed to persuade him to join a class. After this segment we then cut to an establishing shot of Studio 2 in the UK and through a couple of close ups the narrator introduces us to Lucy. Lucy is another singing student I the UK and despite having a lovely voice is very shy. We see this through a series of close ups as Lucy interacts with her teacher using a very quiet tone. As the class continues (seen through wide shots of the room and close up’s of Lucy’s teacher) we learn that this year Lucy will be given a solo in the show. We cut to a close up of Lucy’s shocked face and then to an interview with her in the “diary room” location as we learn of her distress. Cutting then back to dean with a wide shot of his class, we watch through mid shots as he is given a page with a small song that he first performs in a group. Then the teacher asks him to sing it in front of the class and through a series of high angle close up’s we watch the nerves on his face increase before the scene fades and we cut to the add break. 

After the add break we have an actuality sequence of dancer Charlie in the UK. The narrator introduces him to us and we follow him through mostly mid shots and close up’s (using the wall mounted gopros) as he practices a short dance routine. But before continuing with his story we are then introduced to another young student (Tom) in Australia, with a wide, high angled shot. We learn about both these contributors through narration, and that although they are the same age they are very different. We learn that Tom is attending Jutes script writing classes (and we watch him through several close ups as he jots down ideas on some paper before sharing them with his class). We then cut to a diary room shot of the two contributors ,Tom talks about how he is very new to the performing arts world and hopes to have some role in the show. Where as Charlie exudes confidence and we cut away to him performing a newly learned ballet routine (watched with go pro shots and long shots from wall mounted cameras) which through SOT we learn is a style very new to him that he has only just gained the confidence to pick up. This last word of “confidence leads us back in to Dean and Lucy’s story. We watch Dean perform in front of the class using mostly close ups but occasionally cutting to a wide shot, to get a view of the while class. Duringthe performancewealso cuttoLucyasshepacesupanddown her hall (seen mostly with ceiling mounted cameras obtaining wide shots of the room from different corners) trying to decide if she can accept the solo. Eventually we see Dean finish his song and is met with applause, a close up of his face reveals a smile and we cut back to the diary room as the two contributors talk further about their experience. We then learn that Lucy accepted the solo and the episode ends with a mid shot of her walking back in to her class and a medium close up of her looking at her teacher and telling her she will accept the solo. 

Episode 4

Episode 4 of the show starts to ramp up the pacing and energy a bit. The episode openswith multiple establishing shots cross cutting between the ukand Australia, we see students, including many of our previous contributors, intensely practicing for their exams and the upcoming show, this is done through a series of wide shots that cut in to mid shots when key contributors are in frame. The narrator explains that this week is audition week for the big show, the order of events, content and roles will be decided within this episode. The narrator then introduces us to the first contributor we will be following this episode, Joseph from the UK. What follows is a combination of two shots and mid shots as we watch Joseph laughing and Joking around with his classmates. Joseph participates eagerly in his lesson and through wide shots that then cut in to midshotswe see him rehearse a short scene quite confidently. At the end of the class we get a medium close up of Julie addressing the class and remindingeveryonethatauditionsarethisweekend, she makes eye contact with Joseph whilst saying this and we cut to a coseup reaction shot of his face, from a ceiling mounted camera (which slightly disempowers him). As the class makes their way out of the building one by one we have a two shot from the wall mounted camera by the door and hear Josephs friend ask him if he will be auditioning this year and Joseph replies that he is still unsure. The narrator briefly explains to us that Joseph struggles under pressure and we cut to the diary room location with Joseph framed in a mediumcloseuptoonesideoftheframe,whereheelaborates onhisnervesandhowhepanickedinhis lastexam. He explains that he would like to audition for a lead role but isn’t sure if he has the confidence, especially since he’s still new to the school.  At this point the narrator then introduces us to Josephs brother Oliver, seen in an actuality sequence (using wide shots) in the small studio rehearsing his audition piece before Joseph enters the room to (as his lesson is almost over) to walk his brother home. Through a two shot we see Oliver asking Joseph is he’s going to audition and before waiting for a response Oliver is already encouraging Joseph to attend. Insisting that he will be great, Joseph says he’ll think about it (we see close up shots of both brothers faces). We then cut over to Australia with an establishing shot of Jutes main hall and we are introduced to Tilly and Sapphire. The narrator links us two them by saying that like Joe and Oli these two have a very close relationship and are best friends. We meet these contributors through medium close ups as the pair practice their audition pieces in front of each other.  Mixing between mid shots and wide shots we see them laugh with each other and encourage one another, we then learn that  the pair are actuallygoing tobeauditioningforthesamerole and despite their close friendship, they dint plan to let the other beat them. Cut to commercial break, sponsors message is shown. 

After the add break we go straight in to a diary room sequence with Tilly and Sapphire. They talk about their friendship and how they’ve taken all their acting exams together so far, and that even though this time their up against each other they will fully support the winner. We cut to a two shot of the two contributors wishing each other the best of luck on Saturday before parting ways. We then fade in to the audition day and a wide shot of Tilly and Sapphire sitting outside the audition room. Cutting to close ups as we watch the anticipation on their faces grow. First up is Sapphire, she goes in to the small hall and we watch her walk in to the Centre of the room rom a wide shot from a wall mounted camera. We get a quick reverse shot of the teachers sitting behind a small table ready to watch the audition, and we see a close up of their faces as they welcome Sapphire and tell her to start when she’s ready. We see Sapphire audition through mostly wide shots and mid shots occasionally cutting to a long shot of Tilly outside watching her friend through the window. After her performance the two contributors switch places (Tilly congratulates sapphire on the way) and the scene repeats its self with Tilly. However seeing that Tilly’s performance was much better Sapphire angrily walks away. We get a mid shot of Tilly leaving her successful audition and looking around for Sapphire who is no where to be seen. We then cut back to an establishing shot of Prima in the UK where it is also audition day, and surprisingly we see Joseph with his brother sitting next to him, in the waiting room set up in studio 2. We get a two shot of them sitting together before cutting to a diary room sequence at the brothers  home (using a medium close up with a tripod mounted camera). Joseph explains how hos brother eventually persuaded him to audition (paired with an actuality cut away of Oliver doing this). Joseph then walks in to the audition room and what follows is a similar sequence to that in Australia. Joseph pauses for a moment early on but turns to see his brother Olli looking through the window of the studio smiling and giving him a thumbs up (seen through cuts between close ups). And Joseph goes on to deliver a successful performance. After this we cut back to Australia with a wide shot of the small hall at Jute. The teachers come out to announce that Tilly has got the lead role (we get a close up of her face as she celebrates but then a wide as she looks around for Sapphire). At that moment we see Sapphire come back in to the room to congratulate Tilly (seen by a wall mounted camera mid shot). In the UK Julie also announces that Joseph got the role he auditioned for and we get a two shot of Oliver excitedly congratulating his brother. We then cut to a diary room sequence where Oliver and Sapphire  talk about how they are very proud ofJoseph andSapphire. Tilly mentions that she was able to overcome her disappointment and be happy for her friend. Oliver talks about how he's pleased his constant encouragement worked. The episode ends with cuts between wide shots of the two parties celebrating.

Episode 5

Episode five will follow each school in their final rehearsals before the big show. The episode will open with establishing shots of the interior of both schools, fading in to close up’s of all the contributors we’ve met so far who willbeseen practicing scripts, dances,songsetc.The narrator will build tension as we draw closer to the show and will introduce us to our final contributors. This episode will follow these four characters as they make their final preparations for the show, highlighting the pressures they’ll all be feeling and the similarities and or differences in how they deal with it. 

Ourfirstcontributor is Hector, introduced to us with a wide shot of him dancing around the small hall of Jute while his other class mates prepare their show pieces. Through a close up we then get a chance to see his face and form a connection with him. The narrator gives a little background information on him and we watch through a combination of mid shots and medium close ups as he practices a routine he has been working on. We then cut away to a diary room scene with Hector where he talks about the classes he attends at Jute, framed in a medium close up with a tripod shot. We watch as Hector gets quite easily distracted, pausing his performance regularly to laugh and joke with others in his class (told mostly by wide shots and the occasional two shot). But then when his teacher asks him to perform his drama piece we get a close up of his face as his attention suddenly switches and he becomes more focused, starting to perform his scene. We then cut away to our first UK contributor Lexie. For this scene we have an establishing shot of Larkfield before cutting in to a wide shot of a class taking place in studio 1.  FromawallmountedcamerabythedoorwegetawideshotofLexierunning in late to her class, apologizing. Wewatchhertake a seat in a chair in the middle of the room and scramble through some loose paperwork to find her script (told by medium close ups). We then cut straight to a diary room sequence of her (framed in a mid shot) fidgeting in her chair before elatinglyexpressing that she is a very happy but incredibly disorganized person. We then watch her attempt to perform a scene from the upcoming show in which she plays quite a major part. We get a series of mid shots that cut to wide shots so we can see how she uses the space of the room. But she keeps loosing her place and keeps apologizing to her teacher (we see a close up of her face as her smile fades slightly and she try's to get her lines right). We then get some SOT of Lexie in the diary room explaining how she doesn’t have the greatest amountofconfidenceandthat the pressure of the show only makes her more flustered and she doesn’t know if shell be good enough for the show. The narrator explains that Lexie didn’t prepare well for her last acting exam and got very flustered on the day and ended up not showing up for it. Now even though she has auditioned for a main role there are doubts on if shell be there to take part on the show day (this is paired with an actuality sequence that uses mostly wide shots that punch in to mid shots). Music picks up and we then fade to an add break and the sponsors message is shown. 

After the add break we our introduced to our third contributor Felix. Through a wide shot we watch Felix practicing a dance routine that he has prepared for the show. We see through a series of wide angle shots (from mounted go-pro’s in Primasdance studio) that it is a very polished routine. The music that was then playing in the background changes as does the dance and through wide shots followed by some mid shots we see it is a different style. We then here SOT from Felix before cutting to the diary room location where he explains that he takes every dance class there is at Prima and as such wants to incorporate all of these styles in to his solo performanceat the upcoming show. We watch further actuality sequences where Felix attempts to switch between dance styles mid routine but each seems rougher than the last. We watch frustration build on his face through close ups.  Felix’s teacher Katie then walks in to see what progress he has made. Felix attempts to show his routine to Kati, we watch his performance focusing a lot on his face tehncutting away to wide shots to see the routine. As it becomes more and more difficult frustration builds and Felix trips and falls. He is not hurt badly but this throws him off and a diary room cut away has him expressing doubt as to weather he can manage this tough routine in time for the show.

The narrator then uses this point to divert our attention, with an establishing shot of Jute, to Australian contributor Grace, another struggling dancer. We learn that even though she is 17 Grace is very new to dancing and has been put on a crash course to catch her up to her peers. What follows is a mixture of wide shots and close ups that cut between Grace, her teacher and her classmates. We watch Grace from different angles as sheworksherwaythrough aroutine, doing quite well but a little out of time with the others in the class. It is at this point that we cut away to the diary room location and have grace framed in a medium close up shot via tripod, hearing how she has had to do twice as many exams in the last year as most students do. As such although she is on a similar level to her class through this harsh schedule she still struggles to keep up as she hasn’t had as much time to practice things as her peers. Inthe followingscenewecut back to her dance lesson as her and her class practice a group performance that will feature in the upcoming show. Rail mounted go pro shots allow us to see a unique angle of the performance and get a feel for everyone's movements. We cut between close up shots of Grace and her teacher as the class runs through a routine. Wide shots show us how Grace does quite well but messes up a few steps. We then break in to two shots as her teacher gently tells her she needs to keep working at these steps so she’s on the same level as everyone else. Her peers however are very supportive. We get a close up as Grace attempts to smile but is clearly already exhausted. We then cut back to the diary room location where Garcesays she knows what she has signed up for, she just hopes she can master the performance in time for the show and prepare her exam piece at the same time (we see a few cut awaysof long shot actuality where Grace redhorses her dance). 

We then cut back to Hector who is performing his drama piece in front of the class.(We have a small flashback to earlier in the episode), cutting to a close up of his face we see the intense focus he has in contrast to earlier. With reverse shots of his teacher Gill we listen to Hector perform his show piece, however half way through he messes iphis lines. After several attempts (seen through medium close ups) he keeps getting stumped half way through, then shouts and kicks a chair over in frustration. We get a close up of Gill who we then see in our diary room location. She talks about Hector’s struggle with ADHD but how she has seen the significant improvement performing arts has had onhimsincejoiningtheschool. We then see Hector in the diary room who also talks about this. Cutting back to class we then see Gill (at first through a wide shot then a two shot) calm Hector down and encourage him to keep trying. After a small montage of Hector practicing hislineshetrusagain with Gill prompting him throughout (seen with medium close ups). This time the performance goes a lot better but we here SOT of Hector questioning if it will go well on the show day or if he will loose concentration and get angry. The episode concludes cutting between midshotsof all of the episodes contributors rehearsing their show pieces. The narrator questions if they will all be ready in time for the show and teases the audience that they’ll find out next week.

Episode 6

Episode six, the final part of the series will be a one hour long episode as apposed to 25 minuets. It will open with an establishing shot of Prima and the narrator will reveal that it is now approaching show time, and that in this episode the two schools will be meeting each other for the first time. We cut between close ups of all of our contributors who are looking excited and making theirfinal preparations for the show. We then cut across to an establishing shot of Cairns in Australia where our Jute contributors are getting ready to fly out to the UK to meet the Prima students and watch their show. Most of this is told through mid shots and two shots of our familiar contributors chatting excitedly with each other whilst running trough the preparations for their own show. This becomes part of a montage sequence as we then see a selection of our Australian contributors in their houses (through tripod based shots) packing suitcases. We then cut between our UK contributors rehearsing and a few cut aways of the Australian cast getting on a plane. 

Shortly after this sequence we are taken to a scene where Prima students are in their regular classes, (seen through wide shots) then Julie introduces the students from Jute as the Australian cast enter the building/classes (seen by wall mounted cameras by the entrances of the classes then wide shots from ceiling mounted cameras). After some brief introductions the final show rehursals continues and the UK contributors separate to work on their respective performances. Suellen begins to chat with Julie and they encourage the Jute students to help Prima students rehearse. We then watch through a series of two shots as some of the students meet each other, in thefirst half of the episode Rosa meets Debbie, Gill meets Katie, Charlie meets Tom, and Lucy meets Dean. We observe them as they interact and introduce themselves. Through various two shots cutting between contributor groups we see how each of them finds they have much in common and help each other to improve their performances offering encouragement and helpful advice (which can be captured and cut in to clos ups). During this sequence we cut away to diary room interviews with each contributors talking about eh experience. This is where the first add break starts, music picks up and the sponsor message is shown. After the add break it is time for the UK school to perform to their parents and the students of Jute. They all wish each other good luck (through several close ups) and head to the large performance hall at Larkfield (whereafixed camera rig has been set up in preparation). We watch from above as everyone takes their seats and theperformancebegins. Through a wide variety of shots from the mounted cameras all around the room (on ceilings walls, stage set pieces and lighting rigs) we are treated to performances form all our UK contributors. We get to see that despite, nerves, lack of time to prepare, difficulty of performances and other challenges that all our contributors pull of a successful performance achieving many of the personal goals set out in previous episodes. We get some back stage cut aways(mid shots and close ups) of our contributors reactions before and after each of their performances. After this sequence concludes the second add break starts. 

After the second add break we open up with an establishing shot of Larkfield and have jumped to a week later where the UK cast are preparing to fly out to Australia. Having completed their show all he contributors are more relaxed but still excited to meet the Australian cast for a second time and get to be more involved with them. Wethencut to Jute (with an establishing shot of the school). The Jute cast are in mid rehursals (seen through wide shots that cut in to mid shots of our contributors) when Suellen announces the arrival of the Prima students. We watch through a long shot from a wall mounted camera as they enter the room and the contributors that have already met, rush to greet each other (seen with two shots that cut in to close ups). The students chat for a while before going straight back in to rehursals. This time we get a different selection of contributors that we focus on. Joseph and Oliver meet with Sapphire and Tilly, Hector meets with Lexie, and Felix with Grace. 

This time the UK students are able to use their own achievements and experiences that took place during thoershow to help support and boost the confidence of the Australian students. Through a mix of medium close up’s and wide shots captured by the go-pros,  wall cameras and those lower down on the lighting rig we watch the students interact and share stories/skills. We then have cut awaysto diary room sequences where the students talk about how valuable this experience proved to be which leads us in to our next add break. 

After this add break we jump to show time (opening with ban establishing shot of the large hall at Jute in darkness with the only lights being from the stage. We watch the UK students take seat amongst the parents of Jute students and whisper excitedly (we cut between close ups of faces of the contributors that helped one another in the second half). The style for the following sequence follows that of the first half very closely with a wide variety of shots, cutting away to reaction shots from contributors. Once again we are pleased to see that all the contributors form Jute were able to successfully pull off all of their performances and show that all the hard work and help from the other school really payed off.  The end of the successful Jute show then leads in to the final add break.

When the show returns for its final segment the audience is led straight in to a montage sequence, we watch as all the UK contributors come back stage to congratulate the Jute students, and after he show they had outside to the botanical gardens where a buffet has been lined up and the group spend the evening mingling. This sequence will start with fixed camera shots before transitioning in to locked off tripod camera shots which had been set up in the garden (left to record with the supervision of assistant producers but little other crew to not ruin the scenes with the unnerving presence of camera operators). Wethen fade out in to final diary room sequences with all the contributors (mostly filmed at contributors houses). Each person discusses the exciting and positive effect that this experience had on them. They reveal weather they were able to achieve their goals this year e.g. exams, auditions, carrersteps etcand what they learned from meeting another set of performers from the other side of the world. They discuss the similarities in their creative process, the dreams they shared and the emotions they all felt. With narration and some pick up actuality shots from after each school returned home (since the fixed rig was left up for a few weeks after) that detail hoe the contributors will continue from here, the series then draws to a nice rounded close. 

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